The Facebook Pixel.
It’s the thing you set up so that everything in your Facebook ad campaign works the way it should.
It’s the foundation for all of your social advertising efforts.
It’s the one thing you can’t get wrong.
Imagine running a Black Friday promotion and optimizing your ads for a purchase or add to cart pixel that is counting homepage views as a conversion. You’ll send Facebook’s algorithm on wild goose chase and not get the results you deserve. Your marketing dollars are precious, and you can’t let this happen.
Today, I’m going to share with you how to check that it’s properly working in 5 minutes or less so you can sleep better at night knowing the kingdom you’re building has a solid foundation.
Step 1: Go to your ads manager.
Step 2: Go to the top left of your screen and click “Ads Manager”
Step 3: Go to “All Tools” —-> “Pixel”
This will take you to your custom event manager.
Your screen should look something like this:
Step 4: Click Details
Step 5: Click on “View Details” for the pixel you want to analyze.
Step 6: Click on “Tracking Type” and change the dropdown menu to “URLs”
Here is where you will see the URLs that are firing the pixel you are analyzing. What did you find? Is your event pixel firing for the right URLs? Do your event codes line up with how many sales you have received on your site?
Let me know. Happy tracking!