Image of 3 Sure Tell Signs It’s Time To Outsource Your Social Advertising Efforts

3 Sure Tell Signs It’s Time To Outsource Your Social Advertising Efforts

  • December 10, 2024
  • |
  • Web Media Infotech Pvt.Ltd


They tell us when to stop when driving a car. They tell us when it might rain. And they tell us when it’s time to make a change in the way we approach things. Here are 3 sure tell signs it’s time to outsource your social advertising efforts;

#1: You Don’t Have Enough Time In The Day To Brush Your Teeth.. Let Alone Create a Profitable Social Campaign

Dear busy marketing manager,
Mr./Mrs. booked for meetings from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m,
Mr./Mrs. still needs to fill out the employee reviews that were due last month,

We get you. To excel at your job you’ve got to do it all. And fast. And well. Marketing is exciting and changes quickly. Conflicting priorities, rapid changes, deadlines and important meetings are pulling you in a lot of different directions. The last thing on your mind is how to optimize that CPM for those instagram ads that are up and running.

The problem is that when we’re crunched for time, we often cut corners. And instead of doing things well, we simply just get them done. Thousands of dollars get thrown down the drain and lots of money gets left on the table.

But what if it didn’t have to be this way? What if by outsourcing your social advertising efforts you could save 5, maybe even 10 hours in a week. That’s 520 hours in a year.

That’s 13 work weeks in a year!

Here’s the truth. Your time is probably better spent elsewhere. Meeting with your junior employee more regularly. Developing that high level strategy for the growth of your business. Rehearsing your pitch deck just a few more times.

The devil’s in the detail. And it’s especially true with social advertising. Let’s give that marketing strategy you developed a chance to prove itself, what do you say?

#2: Reading Up On Facebook’s Latest Algorithm Changes Isn’t Exactly Your Dream Job

Just yesterday, Facebook changed the way you can view audience overlap data to better understand your audiences. Something that was once given freely and open is no longer an option but there’s a work around. And the truth is.. You. Don’t. Care.

Because Facebook does what Facebook does, and that is change all the time. It’s not super exciting for you to geek speak on their latest changes. And maybe it’s because you don’t have the time, or maybe it’s simply not a high priority for you.

Either way getting in the guts of a social advertising campaign is what makes it a zero or makes it a hero.

#3: Your Boss Gave You a Goal: “Maximize Your Budget. Do More with Less.”

The cost of advertising is getting more expensive. Employee salaries are getting more expensive. The cost of living is getting more expensive.

Is there anything other than the cost of Facebook’s stock that isn’t going up in price?

(low blow I know)

At the beginning of every year, the conversation with your boss about your marketing budget goes one of two ways; you either get more money because you’ve proved you can scale though trackable strategies. Or more likely than not, you’re told to do more with less. Because budgets are tight and “we need to watch every penny.”

So, although that social advertising specialist position sounds like a great addition to your team, is it really all that feasible?

Can you outsource this small (but very important) part of your business to someone that;

  1. Can jump right in. No learning curve is needed.
  2. Had made strategies work for a variety of different brands, not just one or two.
  3. Doesn’t need a fancy salary, health insurance, PTO.
  4. Will make you look like a rockstar.

Your boss is right doing more with less is possible, make him or her proud, what do you say?

Hiring a social advertising agency to free up your time and make you money isn’t the right move for everyone. In fact, I wrote a pretty convincing article on why you shouldn’t hire an agency. But for many, the time is right. They’re just too scared to really grow.

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